The 10th Romanian Film Festival in London / 2013 TURNING THE PAGE


The 10th Romanian Film Festival in London
Thu 28 Nov – Mon 2 Dec 2013

Screenings will take place at:
Curzon Soho (99 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1D 5DY) between Thu 28 Nov – Sun 1 Dec 2013
EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN) on Mon 2 Dec 2013

The ROMANIAN FILM FESTIVAL IN LONDON (RFF) features, every year, a glittering and stimulating array of titles at a leading London cinema.
“2013, the year of our 10 year anniversary, signals a moment of unique importance for the Romanian communities here in Britain, in Europe, and the rest of the world. Back in 2003 our task was to amplify the voice of the Romanian community in the English speaking capital, to create a focal point for contemporary Romanian culture, and to join forces with the network of cultural exhibits in London. 10 years on, as an integral part of our community abroad, we now prepare to help build the cultural infrastructure of the rapidly growing diaspora.” (Ramona Mitrica, Festival Director)

The RFF took off in 2003. The Romanian New Wave cinema was about to take off at the same time, highlighting remarkable actors and young directors. Supported and inspired by these sparkling new talents, the Festival went from strength to strength. For example, in Britain, we were the first to screen the short films and the debut feature of the prizewinning director Cristian Mungiu, who went on to forge an international reputation, and remains a friend and supporter of the event. In the ensuing years a long list of actors and directors have shown their work at the RFF, then developed into household names. At the same time the Festival has continued to celebrate the classic Romanian cinema, acquainting British audiences with the best in our tradition. In 2004, for example, the highlight of the festival was the Lucian Pintilie Retrospective, which featured a stimulating appearance by the director.

As a result, the Festival has always been an important means of transmitting a positive message about Romania, and the rest of the East and Central European region. In contrast to routine media coverage, the films being screened are among the few positive contributions to images of life in the region. Ironically, the New Wave directors have been among the most acute and perceptive critics of Romania’s post revolutionary society, but this has been far from promoting a negative image of the country. Instead, in London, Berlin, Cannes and New York, their films have been recognised as a challenge to stereotypes, offering audiences a detailed understanding of Romanians as individuals like themselves.

Its history and successful track record make the Romanian Film Festival in London one of the major Romanian cultural events of the year in Britain. The RFF began in 2003 in a modest way at a small art-house cinema in Central London, and has grown steadily to present a wide spectrum of Romanian-language cinema, from major hits to cutting edge new directors and retrospectives. RFF aims to reach an important audience eager to celebrate Romanian achievements.

It is a celebration of Romania and its spirit, which is supported both by the UK-Romanian community, and various British and Romanian organisations.
RFF is a not-for-profit enterprise, functioning with the help of grants and sponsorship from our numerous friends and supporters.

The Romanian Film Festival in London is organised by Profusion International Creative Consultancy, in partnership with The National Centre of Cinematography in Romania and Curzon Cinemas in London. Supported by The Department for Romanians Abroad (DPRRP),, EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), Embassy of Romania to the UK

Despre autor


Fondator RomâniaPozitivă.ro, Florin este facilitator & educator de emoție și gând pozitiv. Florin susține acest demers prin programele sale de training & facilitare și prin platforma de informație și educație pozitivă, cu peste 30 de autori și peste 55 000 de articole de Bine despre România publicate încă din 2006. Florin are 20 de ani de experiență ca trainer, facilitator pentru peste 10 000 de participanți, iar domeniile de expertiză includ: facilitare de procese de învățare, orientarea spre soluție, antreprenoriat (inclusiv social), ”train the trainers & facilitators”, design thinking, managementul echipelor, management de proiect, time management, recrutare şi selecţie, comunicare, teambuilding. Florin a lucrat 4 ani în industria FMCG alături de InBev având atribuții de training pentru mai multe procese de vânzări și de business pentru o rețea cu peste 40 de firme de distribuție de bunuri de larg consum pe întreg teritoriul țării. Florin și-a început cariera profesională alături de echipa AIMS Timișoara - 4 ani de experiență în recrutare și selecție de personal și training. Florin are experiență ca moderator/speaker pentru diverse evenimente, parteneri și conferințe: TEDx București, Impact HUB, Zilele Biz, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Future Makers, ASPEN Young Leaders Program, Leaders for Justice Program, Ashoka Romania,Automotive Forum, Inspiro, Bucharest Integrity Gathering, Conferința de Voluntariat, The Conference about Happiness, “Fabricat în Țara lui Andrei”cu NESsT & Petrom, WWF Școli Verzi în Europa, Criminalitate Forestieră WWF, Interpol, Client Earth), TEDx Galați, TEDx Constanța. Majoritatea clienţilor lui Florin sunt din aria de business, companiile activând în domenii foarte diferite (servicii, IT, automotive, bunuri de larg consum, consultanţă) pe întreg teritoriul ţării. Florin este implicat şi în proiecte de training și facilitare pentru organizaţii nonguvernamentale. Florin a fost membru entuziast în organizațiile AIESEC Timișoara și ARDOR Banat. Florin desfăşoară şi proiecte de training și facilitare în sistem deschis („open training”), un exemplu de astfel de program fiind cursul „Train the Trainers & Facilitators” cu Institutul Român de Training și Training Cafe. Motivaţia principală este dorinţa de a schimba lucrurile în Bine în România. Florin este certificat Formator A.N.C., White Belt @ ABInBev. Florin este mare fan de biciclete, mișcare în aer liber, muzică uneori chiar clasică și indiană.


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