Dragoş Tudorache (Renew Vice-Chair and key legislator on Artificial Intelligence) is in Top 10 “most politically influential MEPs”


MEP Influence Index 2024

Who shaped EU policy in the 2019-2024 EP term?

MEP Influence Index 2024 has just been published.

This is the last-before-EP elections update of our regular study that tracks which MEPs have been most influential in shaping EU’s policies. It is based on hard facts and figures and its criteria have been weighted by a wide range of EU practitioners.

The top 10 most influential MEPs since 2019 have been: Roberta Metsola (EP President and key legislator on strengthening democracy, media freedom and pluralism in the EU), Manfred Weber (Chair of EPP, the biggest political group in the Parliament), Iratxe García Pérez (S&D Chair), Othmar Karas (EP First Vice-Chair and FISC Vice-Chair), Valérie Hayer (Renew Chair and influential legislator on EU Resources), Dita Charanzová (EP Vice-President, Member of Renew Bureau and key legislator on internal market issues), Roberts Zīle (EP Vice-President and ECR Bureau Member and legislator with focus on maritime transport) and Frances Fitzgerald (EPP Vice-Chair and key legislator on women’s rights), Dragoş Tudorache (Renew Vice-Chair and key legislator on Artificial Intelligence) and Evelyn Regner (EP Vive-President and legislator on taxation and women’s rights)

The research also looks into specific policy sectors and provides a breakdown by country. Click on any of the links below to access its specific sections.

Top 100 MEPs in the 2019-2024 EP term

Analysis of the influence by country

Most influential MEPs by policy sector:


About EUmatrix.eu

Nominated top influencer in the EU Capital for providing „a data-driven crystal ball to navigate systemic changes in the EU” (Politico).

EUmatrix.eu is an independent research institute adapted to the digital age, which combines political expertise with data-driven analysis to provide accurate and objective reports. www.eumatrix.eu

Despre autor


Bun venit pe platforma de informație și educație pozitivă, RomâniaPozitivă.ro! Avem pentru tine aproape 60 000 de exemple de Bine despre România de la peste 30 de autori și colaboratori încă din 2006. Susținem programe educaționale (învățare și dezvoltare) cu diverse tematici și am lucrat cu peste 10 000 de participanți în ultimii 20 de ani. La acest cont de autor publicăm articole, comunicate de presă, opinii și imagini pe care le primim de la colaboratori și parteneri, dar selectăm acele date care se potrivesc cu ceea ce dorim să promovăm pe platforma noastră. De Bine despre România.


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